Olivia Act Recipients 2013

I just can’t get over the submissions that came in for the Olivia Act . Stories of loving, incredibly hard-working and deserving families… each nomination brightened my day and stopped me in my tracks. Thank you so much to all those who self-lessly nominated friends and family members. I kept reading and re-reading all the stories and didn’t know how I was ever going to decide! If I could I’d gift a session to every single family submitted!

My hubs helped me make the final decision in the end…with an old baseball hat filled with tiny scraps of paper… yup. Pulled the names out of a hat. There was no other way for me to choose from all the nominations. 🙂 The two families that were randomly selected have been emailed with the good news 🙂 I hope it has made their 1st day of 2013 feel even more promising and exciting. Thank you again to all those who submitted nominations, I was truly touched by all the wonderful stories. This is the first of many years of participating in the Olivia Act for me.

Welcome 2013 and Happy New Year to all!

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